Sunday, November 17, 2019

Distinguish between inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. What is the Essay

Distinguish between inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. What is the significance of each Include APA formatted in-text citations to document any sources quoted or paraphrased - Essay Example The knife can therefore be described as inculpatory evidence against the man (Sperry, 2006). Conversely, exculpatory evidence is evidence that favors the defendant in a criminal lawsuit (Sperry, 2006). It tends to absolve the defendant of any guilt that the case had placed on him or her. It is the direct opposite of the inculpatory type of evidence which tends to enhance the guilt of the defendant in a criminal case (Sperry, 2006). Many countries around the globe such as the United States of America, enforce policies that restrains the prosecutors in their courts from disclosing any of this type of evidence. This evidence is only released when the defendant in a criminal lawsuit makes a claim of being guilty or not being guilty (Sperry, 2006). A good example of such evidence exists where a witness comes up in a criminal lawsuit and absolves the accused person of all the blame in

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